the writers journey

The Writer’s Journey: A Must-Read for Storytellers

This post contains affiliate links. If you read only one book on storytelling, make it The Writer’s Journey by Christopher Vogler. Over the years, I’ve read a lot of books on writing fiction. Many have been helpful, but some have left me feeling disappointed, especially those that promise their methods will result in a successful…Read More

creative writing prompts

Creative Writing Prompts Inspired by Historical Events

Today’s prompts include selections from the book 1200 Creative Writing Prompts. Enjoy! Nonfiction writers are obviously inspired by the real world, but fiction writers and poets also take inspiration from real people and events. Wars, scandals, scientific advances, and famous figures in history have all been represented in every form of writing. Works of fiction…Read More

how to identify the protagonist

How to Identify the Protagonist in a Story

This post contains affiliate links that earn commissions from qualifying purchases. In most stories, the protagonist is obvious: Harry Potter, Lisbeth Salander, and Katniss Everdeen are unquestionably the protagonists of their respective stories. But sometimes the protagonist isn’t so obvious. In some cases, a false protagonist is planted to intentionally mislead the audience, but the…Read More

Structuring Your Novel by K.M. Weiland

What Are Plot Points?

Please welcome author K.M. Weiland with a guest post on structuring your novel. Take moment to think of some of the most significant scenes in your favorite stories. More than likely, the scenes that pop to mind are those in which major events occur: Jane meets Mr. Rochester, the Titanic hits the iceberg, Darth Vader…Read More

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