punctuation marks ellipsis

Punctuation Marks: Ellipsis

You see it everywhere, but most people don’t know what it’s called or how to use it properly. In fact, it’s often referred to as “dot, dot, dot” even though it does have a name. This punctuation mark is the ellipsis. It is a series or row of three periods, which is usually used to indicate…Read More

emotional writing

How to Engage Readers with Emotional Writing

One of the greatest skills that a writer can possess is the ability to make readers feel something. If you can engage readers on an emotional level, you’ll have them hooked. This effect is called emotional resonance. Think about it: Most of the books, poems, movies, and TV shows that you love best are the…Read More

better writing habits

How to Develop Better Writing Habits

There’s only one way to become a better writer, and that is through lots of practice. Some people are born with talent. Writing comes easily to them, but even the most talented writers have to work at the craft. After all, nobody’s born knowing how to write. Fostering good writing habits accomplishes two things. First,…Read More

avoid adverbs

Writing Tips: Abolish the Adverbs

“The road to hell is paved with adverbs.” ~ Stephen King In the writing world, adverbs have a bad reputation for being weak and causing unnecessary clutter. But sometimes adverbs are necessary, and other times, they liven up a sentence or strengthen a description. Today we’re going to explore adverbs and take a look at…Read More

writing exercises

Writing Resources: The Practice of Poetry

This post contains affiliate links that earn commissions from qualifying purchases. When it comes to writing resources, there are some special books out there that will help make you a better reader and a more well-rounded writer. Some academics argue that poetry is an intellectual pursuit, but that’s only partially true. Poetry is also artistic…Read More

journal prompts

A Week’s Worth of Experimental Journal Prompts

As writers, we are constantly told (usually by other writers) that we should be writing every day (without exception!), but rarely are we provided with details of what we should be writing. Of course, many writers already know what to write. They are poets, short story writers, novelists, memoirists, literary journalists, and bloggers. Their niche…Read More

storytelling exercise time lapse

Storytelling Exercise: Time Lapse

Today’s post is an excerpt from my book, Story Drills: Fiction Writing Exercises. This is from a chapter called “Time Lapse,” which looks at how a story moves through time in a way that isn’t jarring to the reader. Enjoy! Stories don’t take readers through every minute of the characters’ lives. Scenes jump around in…Read More

storytelling iconic characters

What Makes Iconic Characters Unforgettable?

This post contains affiliate links that earn commissions from qualifying purchases. Luke Skywalker was the obvious hero of Star Wars: A New Hope, so why does it seem like Han, Leia, and Darth Vader got all the attention? When I think about the characters from Star Wars, Luke is often the last one who comes…Read More

poetry skills

How to Improve Your Poetry Skills

Poetry writing requires no license, no education, and no experience. All you need to get started is a pen and some paper. In fact, many writers discovered their calling because they were compelled to write poetry at a young age. But there’s a big difference between writing poetry and writing good poetry. Opinions about the…Read More

homophones hear here

Homophones: Hear, Here

When I see professional signs or business documents with words spelled incorrectly, it’s like someone’s dragging nails down a chalkboard, which is not a sound I want to hear. But I try not to get too riled up. I know that spelling isn’t easy for everyone. However, I do believe that with a little effort,…Read More

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