writing community

The Amazing, Incredible Writing Community

Today I’d like to share an excerpt from my book 10 Core Practices for Better Writing. This excerpt is from “Chapter Ten: Community, Industry, and Audience,” which explains the benefits and importance of networking with the writing community as well as studying the industry and developing a reading audience. The chapter includes tips, too! “All…Read More

a generation of writers

A Generation of Writers

“Only a generation of readers will spawn a generation of writers.” — Steven Spielberg Steven Spielberg is one of my favorite storytellers. He and I have something in common: we were both English majors! He knows what he’s talking about when he emphasizes the importance of reading. The simplicity and elegance of Spielberg’s remark makes…Read More

learning to write

Learning to Write

We tend to look at successful people and believe they made it overnight, and that’s not limited to how we see authors. We see wildly successful people enjoying the fruits of their labor, but what we don’t see is the labor itself — the struggles and failures they endured to get to where they are…Read More

how to write good books

How to Write Good Books

We’re all influenced by the world around us. Natalie Goldberg’s quote on reading good books is a reminder that whatever we take in will affect whatever we put out: “If you read good books, when you write, good books will come out of you.” I believe this is a truth that goes beyond writing. When…Read More

jodi picoult

You Can’t Edit a Blank Page

They say it’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. We can say the same thing about writing: it’s better to write badly than to write nothing at all. Jodi Picoult offers some insight that summarizes this idea in a clear, concise manner: “You can always edit a bad…Read More

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