Nature-Inspired Poetry Prompts
Throughout the centuries, poets have composed meditations on seasons, landscapes, and constellations. Vegetation and animals have been the subjects of countless poems, and even when poetry is not centered around nature, it often makes references to it. In poetry, nature can function as a backdrop, or it can hold center stage. Why are so many poets…Read More
Story Starters: Ten Fiction Writing Prompts
Fiction writing prompts are a fun and inspiring way to stimulate creativity when you’re in the mood to do a little writing but need some fresh story ideas. Prompts and other creative writing exercises can activate your imagination. Sometimes, prompts and exercises help you come up with new ideas for projects you’re already working on,…Read More
Family-Inspired Poetry Prompts
Writers are always looking for new ideas. Sometimes we look so far and wide for inspiration that we’re oblivious to what’s right in front of us. They say, “You can pick your friends, but you can’t pick your family.” In life, we are presented with many choices, but family is not one of them. It’s…Read More
Creative Writing Prompts for Sci-Fi & Fantasy Lovers
Today’s post includes a selection of prompts from my book, 1200 Creative Writing Prompts. Enjoy! In the world of creative writing, we’ve only begun tapping the possibilities in speculative fiction, a genre that includes science fiction, fantasy, paranormal, supernatural, horror, and superhero stories, as well as anything that ventures beyond known reality. Speculative fiction is…Read More
Creative Writing Prompts Inspired by Historical Events
Today’s prompts include selections from the book 1200 Creative Writing Prompts. Enjoy! Nonfiction writers are obviously inspired by the real world, but fiction writers and poets also take inspiration from real people and events. Wars, scandals, scientific advances, and famous figures in history have all been represented in every form of writing. Works of fiction…Read More
Five Poetry Prompts
You know what’s great about writing prompts? On those days when you’re feeling uninspired but you want to write, they’re there for you. On days when you want to get your writing practice in but don’t particularly feel like writing, they’re there for you. Writing prompts give you a little push to kick-start a writing…Read More
Artistically Inspired Journal Prompts
We, the people of the arts, feed off each other. A painter is inspired by a song. A musician is inspired by a novel. A photographer is inspired by a sculpture. So we come full circle by inspiring one another. Journal prompts are a useful tool for getting inspired. When you want to write but…Read More
Fiction Writing Prompts for Every Genre
Today I’d like to share a selection of fiction writing prompts from my book, 1200 Creative Writing Prompts, which includes 500 fiction prompts plus prompts for writing poetry and creative nonfiction. Writing prompts are ideal when you’re feeling uninspired because they provide you with ideas for your writing sessions and projects. But prompts are also…Read More
Poetry Prompts for Ranting and Raving
It’s easy to think of poetry as soft, flowery, and convoluted. It’s the stuff of Shakespeare, greeting cards, and children’s books. It’s precious, sweet, and erudite. But some of the most exciting modern poetry defies all those stereotypes, and you need look no further than the slam poetry and spoken word communities to see how…Read More
Creative Writing Prompts: Politics and Religion
Today’s post includes a selection of prompts from my book 1200 Creative Writing Prompts. Enjoy! My mom always says, “Don’t ever discuss politics and religion in mixed company.” She has a point: these are taboo subjects that can destroy friendships, rip families apart, and even divide an entire nation. But politics and religion are important…Read More