narrative point of view

Narrative Point of View in Storytelling

Today’s post includes excerpts from What’s the Story? Building Blocks for Fiction Writing, chapter six: “Narrative Point of View.” Enjoy! The terms story and narrative can be used interchangeably, meaning a sequence of events, real or fictional, that are conveyed through any medium ranging from prose to film. However, when we talk about narrative, we’re…Read More

literary style

Literary Style in Storytelling

Today’s post includes excerpts from What’s the Story? Building Blocks for Fiction Writing, chapter five: “Narrative Style, Voice, and Tone.” Enjoy! Literary Style Literary style is the aesthetic quality of a work of literature—the distinct voice that makes each author unique. It’s the way we string words together, the rhythm of our prose, the catchphrases…Read More

setting of a story

Fiction Writing: The Setting of a Story

Today’s post includes excerpts from What’s the Story? Building Blocks for Fiction Writing, chapter three: “Setting.” Enjoy! Setting may not seem as critical to a story as character or plot, yet it is a core element of storytelling and for good reason. The setting of a story helps us understand where and when it takes…Read More

what if writing exercises for fiction writers

What If? Writing Exercises for Fiction Writers

This post contains affiliate links that earn commissions from qualifying purchases. Good fiction includes many different elements: believable characters, realistic dialogue, and a compelling plot. Every decent story has a beginning, middle, and end. Intriguing tales are built around conflict and are rich with themes and symbols. And those are just the basics. It can…Read More

What is the theme of a story

What is the Theme of a Story?

Today’s post includes excerpts from What’s the Story? Building Blocks for Fiction Writing, which is packed with fun lessons and engaging activities for anyone who wants to learn the basics of storytelling. This is from chapter four: “Theme.” Enjoy! What is the Theme of a Story? Theme is one of the most difficult story elements…Read More

what is a plot

Storytelling: What is a Plot?

Today’s post includes excerpts from What’s the Story? Building Blocks for Fiction Writing, chapter two: “Plot.” It’s a book that lays out the fundamentals of creating fictional stories, equipping you with the basic skills necessary for writing stories that engage. Enjoy! What is a Plot? A plot is a sequence of related events in a…Read More

creating characters

Creating Characters That Resonate

Today’s post is an excerpt from my book, What’s the Story? Building Blocks for Fiction Writing. This is from chapter one, “Characters.” Enjoy! Creating Characters We see ourselves in a story’s characters. We see people we know—people we love, people we hate, people we fear, people we admire, and people we want to emulate. We…Read More

Wonderbook by Jeff VanderMeer

Writing Resources: Wonderbook

This post contains affiliate links that earn commissions from qualifying purchases. Jeff VanderMeer’s Wonderbook is not your average tome on the craft of writing. It’s more like a portal, and once you enter, writing becomes a strange and awesome adventure. Subtitled The Illustrated Guide to Creating Imaginative Fiction, the book addresses fiction in general but occasionally emphasizes speculative fiction; any writer will…Read More

sneak peek what's the story buiilding blocks for fiction writing

Sneak Peek: What’s the Story? Building Blocks for Fiction Writing

Today I’m sharing a look inside my book, What’s the Story? Building Blocks for Fiction Writing. This excerpt is from the introduction; it talks about the magic of story and what you can expect from the book. Enjoy! What’s the Story? What’s a story? Is it character? Plot? Conflict? Change? Why do some stories fall…Read More

kill your darlings

Kill Your Darlings (for Storytellers)

Some writing tips are cryptic. When I first came across writing advice that said, “Kill your darlings,” I thought it meant we should kill off our favorite characters. That seemed ridiculous. I mean, there are situations in which a story calls for characters to die, but to make a sweeping rule that we should default…Read More

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